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Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct

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Code of Ethics - an Overview

The school's Code of Ethics is a statement of the ethical principles, values and behaviors expected of all staff and students at CanPacific College of Business & English, Toronto, Canada. The Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct form part of the school's contract of employment with its staff and apply to all officers and employees of the school, whether full-time, part-time or casual appointees. The Codes also apply to honorary and adjunct staff. Contractors, their employees and representatives, and visitors engaging in any school-related activity are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the Codes.

It is a condition of enrolment that students adhere to the provisions of legislation and school policy including the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.

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Code of Conduct - an Overview

The Code of Conduct details the legal and ethical obligations and expectations of all staff and students to act in accordance with the expressed standards of conduct, integrity and accountability contained in relevant legislation, school policies and Agreements. Individuals employed or enrolled at CanPacific are responsible for their own behavior and obliged to conduct themselves in keeping with the provisions of the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct with regard to each and every undertaking associated with school business.

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Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics is a statement of the ethical principles, values and behaviors expected of staff and students at CanPacific. The school fosters the values of openness, honesty, tolerance, fairness and responsibility in social and moral, as well as academic matters.

The Code of Ethics is intended to assist staff and students to identify and resolve ethical issues that might arise during their employment or in the course of their studies. It is designed to guide them in their dealings with colleagues, students, the school, and local, national and international communities. The Code of Ethics puts forward a set of general principles rather than detailed prescriptions. It stands beside, but does not exclude or replace, the rights and obligations of staff and students under common law or legislation. The Code of Conduct then provides more specific information about the school's policies, rules and expectations based on these principles.

The school is a complex organization comprising diverse groups that have different relationships to one another. These may be relations of power and/or status. It is essential in such a community that all members recognize and respect not only their own rights and responsibilities, but also the rights and responsibilities of other members of the community and those of the school itself.

The school recognizes that many of its staff are also bound by codes of conduct or ethics defined by learned or professional societies or groups. Staff may have multiple allegiances: to their disciplines or profession at national and international levels to the academic profession, to the community at large and to the school. Staff and students may also have allegiances to particular religious or cultural traditions. It is recognized that these allegiances are not always in harmony. It is an obligation of a staff member or student to weigh the importance of these allegiances in each particular set of circumstances and to notify an appropriate officer of the school where such conflict does or may arise.

The Code of Ethics is based on three universal ethical principles. These are:

Equity and Justice
People are to be treated fairly - not discriminated against, abused or exploited. Justice is concerned with power sharing and preventing the abuse of power. In a just community all members can access opportunities that allow for their full participation in that community.

Respect for People
People should be treated as individuals with rights to be honored and defended. Respect empowers others to claim their rights and to achieve their potential. Respect for the rights of other people is the basis on which individuals become members of a community and accept their social responsibilities to behave with integrity.

Membership of a community means that individuals not only have rights but also duties and responsibilities to others to act openly and honestly. Demonstrating respect for persons requires, for example, dealing with disagreements by reasoned argument rather than by using language (words, style and tone) that have the effect of inappropriately attacking or demeaning the listener.

Personal and Professional Responsibility
The principle of taking personal and professional responsibility requires not only that people avoid doing harm to others but also that they exhibit courteous behavior, upholding the standards expected of all members of the school, community as part of achieving a common good. In so doing they are expected to protect the rights of others and respect the diversity of cultures and peoples. Those well positioned to assert their rights have a reciprocal duty to exercise care towards those who depend on them for their wellbeing. This principle involves stewardship of assets, resources and the environment. When a conflict arises between a staff member's or student's self-interest and duty to the school, the issue should be disclosed to an appropriate officer of the school. Wherever feasible the staff member or student should not play a role in decision-making that might be associated with that issue.

The Code of Ethics underpins a Code of Conduct that outlines the actions or procedures applicable to employees and students at CanPacific for a range of specific ethical issues.

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Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is based on principles, values and behaviors outlined in the Code of Ethics. This Code applies to all staff and students of the school. Contractors, their employees and representatives, and visitors engaging in any school-related activity are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with this Code.

The Code of Conduct underlines:
The rights of employees to be treated fairly and equitably in the workplace;
Avenues for resolving complaints or breaches of policies and Codes; and
The legal and ethical obligations and expectations of all students and staff to act in accordance with the expressed standards of conduct, integrity and accountability contained in relevant legislation, school policies and Agreements.

The objectives of the Code are to:
Provide direction to staff and students around expected conduct whilst affiliated with the school;
Assist staff and students in dealing with ethical issues in ways that reflect the school's values and standards;
Promote professionalism and excellence;
Express shared assumptions and organizational values;
Provide staff and students with direction in ethically ambiguous situations;
Detail the school's social responsibilities; and
Provide a statement on public accountability and corporate governance.

The Code does not supersede other policies or agreements that CanPacific has in place. The Code of Conduct does not and cannot cover every possible situation. You can, however, test yourself on whether your behavior is ethical by asking yourself five questions:

Would I be happy to have what I am saying or doing be on the public record or appear on the front page of the newspaper?
Does what I am saying or doing serve a purpose beyond self-interest?
Would I like to be spoken to or treated in this way?
How will taking this action reflect on my character, or the reputation of the school?
What would the school be like if we all made decisions like this or behaved in this way?

Obligation of Individuals
Individuals employed or enrolled at CanPacific are responsible for their own behavior and obliged to conduct themselves in the following manner with regard to each and every undertaking associated with school business:
Behave honestly and with integrity;
Act with care and diligence;
Treat everyone with respect and courtesy and without harassment;
Use school property and money efficiently, carefully and honestly with due authorization and without misappropriation;
Comply with all applicable laws;
Comply with any lawful or reasonable direction given by a person with the authority to vgive the direction;
Behave in a way that upholds the values, integrity and reputation of the CanPacific.

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