wednesday -October 10th -2018


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1) Do you dream often?
(2) Do you remember your dreams?
(3) Do you dream in colour or in English?
(4) Do you like having dreams?
(5) Do you believe dreams have a special meaning?
(6) Do you have the same dreams again and again?
(7) Has something you’ve dreamt about ever come true?
(8) Have you ever been woken up by a nightmare?
(9) What kinds of people do you meet in your dreams?
(10) Do you tell other people about the dreams you have?

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) Do you talk in your sleep when you dream?
(2) Have you ever woken up and believed you’re still in your dream?
(3) Do you think animals dream?
(4) Does having a dream affect the way you feel when you wake up?
(5) Do you think dreams can be explained scientifically?
(6) Would you like to stop having dreams or have more dreams?
(7) Do you have the same dreams you had when you were a child?
(8) Do you ever want to live in the world of your dreams?
(9) Do you daydream?
(10) Why do you think some people remember their dreams and others don’t?

wednesday ,september 19th ,2018

STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1)What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘pet’?(2)Do you like pets?(3)How many pets have you had?(4)Is it important for children to have a pet?(5)Why do people have pets?(6)Do you think it’s unfair to keep animals in the home – shouldn’t they be in their natural habitat?(7)Do you know anyone with an unusual pet?(8)Is it wrong to spend money on pets and pet food when so many people are starving?(9)Do you like visiting pet shops?(10)What animal do you think makes the best pet?
 (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1)Do pets make good gifts?(2)Do people usually choose good names for their pets in your country?(3)What do you think of restaurants and stores aimed at pets?(4)What problems do pets create for people?(5)Is a spider or a snake really a pet?(6)Why do some people prefer pets to children?(7)What do you think of people who dispose of their pets because they are too much trouble?(8)Do you think pet owners are often similar to their pets?(9)What do you think of the idea of virtual pets, like Tamagotchi?(10)Are pets good value for money?

wednesday-september5th ,2018


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1) Do you like chocolate?
(2) Which country do you think makes the most delicious chocolate?
(3) Do you like getting chocolate as a present?
(4) Do you know how chocolate is made?
(5) How much chocolate should children eat?
(6) Is chocolate part of any celebrations in your country?
(7) Do you think chocolate is healthy?
(8) Who do you think are the world’s biggest chocolate eaters?
(9) Why is chocolate so often associated with romance?
(10) What would the world be like without chocolate?

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) What do you know about the history of chocolate?
(2) Did you eat a lot of chocolate when you were a child?
(3) Why do you think so many people are addicted to chocolate?
(4) What is your favourite brand / bar / kind of chocolate?
(5) Would you like to eat some chocolate right now?
(6) Do you have a favourite chocolate TV commercial?
(7) How can the word ‘chocolate’ be a countable and uncountable noun?
(8) Have you read the book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’?
(9) Does eating chocolate change our feelings?
(10) What are your earliest memories of chocolate?

wednesday ,August 29th,2018


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1) STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) How different is the USA from other countries?
(2) What was the last news story you heard about the USA?
(3) What do you think the USA’s neighbours think of it?
(4) What do you think the USA will be like 50 years from now?
(5) Does your country have good relations with the USA?
(6) What could you do on a holiday in the USA?
(7) What is your idea of a typical American person?
(8) What things about the USA do you think Americans are proud of?
(9) What do you know about American culture?
(10) What would you like to ask an American about the USA?What images spring to mind when you hear the country USA?
(2) What are the good things and bad things about the USA?
(3) What is the USA most famous for?
(4) What do you know about the USA’s history?
(5) What are the differences between the USA and your country?
(6) What do you think about American people?
(7) What has the USA given to the world?
(8) Would you like to visit the USA, or live there?
(9) What do you know about the geography of the USA?
(10) Who are the most famous American people you know?

wednesday ,August 22nd ,2018

What is your favorite snack?

What unhealthy food do you love?

What food did your mother always tell you to eat and not to eat?

What food helps with which health problem?

What is the future of food in your country?

What kinds of food did you eat when you were a child? Do you eat the same things now?

What is the best food to eat when you are sick?

What is your favorite food that your mother/father cooks?

Do you prefer to eat unhealthy or healthy food?

How often do you eat out?

If you could have any food right now, what would it be?

How would you describe your country’s food?

What dishes from your country are often confused by tourists or foreigners? (i.e. sushi / sashimi or lo mein / chow mein)

What is your favorite food? What is in it?

Can you think of any of your country’s cuisine that other countries influenced?

What is your favorite foreign food? How is it different from your country’s cuisine?

How often do you eat foreign food and how often do you eat your country’s cuisine?

Where is the best place to eat in your town? Why is it so good?

Do you eat a healthy diet? Why or why not?

What could you do to improve your diet?

Have you ever gone on a diet to improve your health or lose weight? How well did it work?

Describe your favorite food. What ingredients are in it? Why is it your favorite?

Do you eat different foods depending on the season or weather? Give some examples.

wednesday ,August 15th ,2018


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1) What do you think of Canada?
(2) What kind of country is Canada?
(3) How important is Canada on the world stage?
(4) How different are Canadians from Americans?
(5) What do you know about Canadian history?
(6) What images spring to mind when you hear the country Canada?
(7) What do you think are the advantages of being Canadian?
(8) What do you think of when you hear the word “Canada”?
(9) What do you know about Canada’s indigenous peoples?
(10) What would you like to do if you spent six months in Canada?
STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) What are some differences between Canada and the USA?
(2) What is Canada famous for?
(3) Is Canada the kind of country you’d like to live in?
(4) What has Canada given the world?
(5) What is there to see and do in Canada?
(6) Do you have any negative images of Canada?
(7) What does a typical Canadian look like?
(8) What things are made in Canada?
(9) What do you know about the geography of Canada?
(10) What would you like to know about Canada?

wednesday August 8th 2018

The Supernatural
What supernatural things do you believe in (ghosts, ESP, fortune tellers, etc.)?

Do you think science will ever prove any supernatural beliefs?

What supernatural beliefs are unique to your culture?

What are some of the scariest supernatural movies?

What supernatural thing do you fear?

Why do so many people believe in supernatural things that can’t be proven?

What are some supernatural holiday beliefs in your country?

Where are supernatural occurrences most often reported?

Do you think some people have supernatural abilities?

wednesday august 1 st

hi there please watch this video and answer the questions 🙂

STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1) What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘magic’?
(2) DoSTUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) What is magic?
(2) Do you believe people can do magic?
(3) What do you know about black magic?
(4) What would you do with a magic wand if you had one? Where would you wave it?
(5) What did you think of magic when you were a kid?
(6) Which did you believe in first; love, faith or magic?
(7) Does anyone you know have a magic touch with people / things?
(8) Is there a magic formula to studying English?
(9) What is the most magic moment in your life?
(10) What magic powers would you like to have”.
STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) What is magic?
(2) Do you believe people can do magic?
(3) What do you know about black magic?
(4) What would you do with a magic wand if you had one? Where would you wave it?
(5) What did you think of magic when you were a kid?
(6) Which did you believe in first; love, faith or magic?
(7) Does anyone you know have a magic touch with people / things?
(8) Is there a magic formula to studying English?
(9) What is the most magic moment in your life?
(10) What magic powers would you like to have?