october 31st _2018/ wednesday

Is positive thinking a strong belief in your life?

What is the philosophy of positive thinking? How does positive thinking work?

How can positive thinking help you in your personal life?

Do you know anyone who practices positive thinking seriously? Do you find it encouraging or irritating?

How can the power of positive thinking change your approach to problem solving?

How can you apply positive thinking in practice?

How can we say positive thinking from false hope and  self deception?

Do you think positive thinking can help you to overcome all of your problems in life?

Some scholars, including Dr. Martin Seligman, believe that sometimes you need to be rather pessimistic to become more action-oriented. How do you respond to this idea?

Do you think that some people are more genetically positive than others? Let’s argue for and against this question

wednesday ,october 17th _2018


How much do you value your privacy?

Do you think that websites like Facebook take away too much of your privacy?

Do you think people have the right to privacy? How about convicted criminals?

The only people who need privacy are people who are doing something illegal. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Do you think the Internet increases privacy or takes away privacy?

What is the greatest threat to privacy?

How private should corporations be? Should the public have access to corporate records?

How transparent should a government be?

Where do you like to go when you want to be alone?

Should there be more, or less, security cameras around cities?

How is privacy viewed in your culture?

wednesday -October 10th -2018


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1) Do you dream often?
(2) Do you remember your dreams?
(3) Do you dream in colour or in English?
(4) Do you like having dreams?
(5) Do you believe dreams have a special meaning?
(6) Do you have the same dreams again and again?
(7) Has something you’ve dreamt about ever come true?
(8) Have you ever been woken up by a nightmare?
(9) What kinds of people do you meet in your dreams?
(10) Do you tell other people about the dreams you have?

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) Do you talk in your sleep when you dream?
(2) Have you ever woken up and believed you’re still in your dream?
(3) Do you think animals dream?
(4) Does having a dream affect the way you feel when you wake up?
(5) Do you think dreams can be explained scientifically?
(6) Would you like to stop having dreams or have more dreams?
(7) Do you have the same dreams you had when you were a child?
(8) Do you ever want to live in the world of your dreams?
(9) Do you daydream?
(10) Why do you think some people remember their dreams and others don’t?