Tips for Effective Presentations

When delivering presentations in front of an audience, you should:

  1. Face the audience. You shouldn’t stand with your back to the audience.
  2. Speak up. You should speak loudly enough for the people in the back of the room.
  3. Use a good opener
  4. Make eye contact with members of the audience.
  5. Use bullet points or note-from on the slides.
  6. Define terms that the audience might know about
  7. Think about the audience’s prior knowledge and the need to clarify certain points.
  8. Don’t rush through it. Try to speak at a moderate pace.
  9. Practice the presentation in front of friends or a mirror
  10. Time yourself during practice to ensure proper time management
  11. Leave enough time for the questions at the end of the presentation
  12. Prepare some handouts for the audience if you think that it’s necessary or useful
  13. Make sure to vary your pitch and intonation; a monotonous speech is very difficult to follow.
  14. Provide a summary of the main points in the conclusion
  15. Don’t forget to thank the audience for their attention and invite questions.

All of the programs at CanPacific include presentation practice. For example, students of the Business Communication program learn about and practice delivering effective business presentations.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at or call us at (416) 601 – 0100

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