As we approach winter and cold weather we should consider buying warm clothes especially in Canada. Having suitable clothes for winter is really important. As everyone knows winter in Canada is really cold some times it gets to -40 or -50 degree. So wearing warm clothes can protect you from cold weather. There are different […]
Having a cup of coffee
Having a cup of coffee is the first thing I after washing my face in the morning .having coffee makes me feel fresh and thinks better. I almost always have 2 or 3 cups of coffee per day. But this will change based on mood. When I am too tired or nervous I need to […]
Art gallery in Toronto
What of the things I really like about Canada is how they appreciate art in here. There are lots of art galleries here in toronto especially downtown . They encourage unknown artists to bring they arts in to their galleries and help them to become known. some of the art galleries also held free workshops […]
Four seasons in Canada
As we hear the word Canada the only things that comes to our mind is winter and cold weather ,but that’s not true .Canada has 4 amazing seasons .spring is really fabulous .the weather is awesome .there is a nice hot summer that every body can enjoy sunbathing or camping ,canoeing , me the greatest […]
The best (and worst ) places to live in Toronto
I think Toronto is a great place to live . There are lots of facilities here that makes the life easier. Having shopping malls, groceries stores , convenience store in every corner of the city , also the public transportation which connects every direction with each others, having great universities, colleges and school sand etc, […]