Valentines day is a day we celebrate the romantic love. It is popular for the couples to spend time together. This day associated with red hearts, flowers, candy, teddy bear. Couples exchange gifts and cards to express their love to each other and it is a wonderful to celebrate. Happy valentines! Facebook: LinkedIn: […]
Different methods of reading
One of the skills, that we should learn in English is reading. There are two methods of reading, skim & scan. Scan means we need to read word by word to get the content but skimming is just read one or 2 sentences from each paragraph to get the idea of whole passage. While we […]
How to start writing
Writing is one of the most difficult skills for the ones who learn English. I thinks if you want to write well, first you need to start reading. Reading gives you idea, teach you how to start, how to end. If you want to practice how to write essay, first do small steps like writing […]
Basic Steps to Learn English
When you want to start to learn English there are Lots of questions come to your mind. How long does it take to learn? Where should I start? Should I learn vocabulary first? Do I need to know the grammar? ,….. In my opinion, It is better to take small steps. Learning won’t happen over […]
New year resolution
Happy 2020 every one! We have 365 days ahead and too many plans to do. Did you write your new years resolutions? There are some common broken new year resolutions, actually they will be repeated every year, like: lose weight, I myself write this on the top of my list, LOL. The other ones are […]