Quotes from Shakespeare’s Plays

It is difficult to understate the importance and influence of William Shakespeare on the English language. His works are staged and quoted all around the world. Here are five quotes from some of his most famous and beloved plays: “All’s well that ends well” In other words, it doesn’t matter how problematic the situation was […]

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Mnemonics (/nəˈmäniks/) are great tools for memorizing certain pieces of information like the spelling of words, grammar rules, names, facts, and almost anything else. It is believed that they were used in ancient Greece as early as in the fifth century BC. So, what do they look like? Mnemonics can take different forms. They can […]

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Online Dictionaries

Here is a list of some of the most popular and free online dictionaries that have lots of useful features for learners of English: Merriam Webster’s Learner’s (ESL) Dictionary https://learnersdictionary.com/ Cambridge Dictionary https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ McMillan Dictionary https://www.macmillandictionary.com/ Collins Dictionary https://www.collinsdictionary.com/ Do you use some other online dictionaries that you’d like to recommend? If so, please let […]

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