Homework plays an important role in learning English. If you have lots of homework to do after your English class, or if you have difficulties doing it, there are certain strategies that you can try out. Create a homework space It seems obvious, but it’s very important to have a designated space for doing the […]
Month: November 2024

“Practice makes perfect”
This proverb is often used to encourage and motivate someone. If you want to learn a language or develop a skill, you should keep practicing. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/canpacific LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/2923770/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/canpacific/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzHi6Jd15XOCu-mn_F8-QwQ Special promotion: https://www.canpacificcollege.com/lead.php

Dealing with Listening Comprehension Problems
Below, you will find some useful strategies for dealing with listening comprehension problems. Have you ever tried any of them? Please let us know in the comments. Tips for Dealing with Listening Comprehension Problems Ask for repetition Ask the speaker to talk speak more slowly Ask clarification questions, such as ‘Do you mean that…” Politely […]

What to know before traveling to Canada?
Canada is an amazing country with has 4 seasons. All of them are fabulous. In my opinion fall is the best! It has colorful colors which gives me a lot of energy. If you decide to come to Canada and see it in this beautiful season it’s better to prepare yourself first. The weather is […]

Best GELATO in Toronto
It was terribly cold outside and everybody was wearing heavy coats, hats, scarf& gloves .When they get to school, they said that is the lowest temperature they had experienced so far. As they come from tropical countries like Mexico ,Brazil ,.. I told them it is getting worse in December. As they were taking off […]