Labor day is on September 2nd , It is celebrated annually for the achievements of workers. This day has its origin in labor union movement , especially the eight – hour day movement , which advocated eight hours for work , eight hours for recreation , and especially eight hours for rest . In this […]
Month: August 2019

Does reading aloud have any effect on learning English
In order speak English you need to focus on both fluency and accuracy. Accuracy includes grammar, vocabulary and pronunciations. Fluency means begins able to express your thoughts, feeling and ideas. Reading a book can improve both fluency and accuracy. Reading aloud has lots of positive effects, and you can listen to your mistakes in pronunciation […]

Effect of going on field trip to learning English
Going to language school, studying 5 days of week at school is really useful in learning English .But the students need to practice whatever they have learned in real world. The sensory, physical, and social aspects of field trips enrich learning experiences. Different environments allow teachers to design new and real – world challenges. They […]

Civic Holiday in Canada
Civic holiday, August 5th, 2019 is a provincial holiday. Schools and most business are closed. People using this long weekend to make short trips out of town and in to one of the beautiful scenery in this province. Some go camping, hiking, canoeing. This is a best time to enjoy summer in this amazing weather […]