Do you think that your writing needs improvement? If so, you can apply the following ten strategies: Avoid repetition Use transitions like ‘moreover’ and ‘subsequently’ to link your ideas together Vary the types of sentences that you use Use conjunctions Refer to a good thesaurus for synonyms Make reading your hobby Write regularly (e.g.: keep […]

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
This proverbial expression means that one appreciates others when they come back after a long period away. On other words, you start to miss that person and appreciate him or her more when they come back. Do you agree with this proverb? Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Youtube: Special promotion:

“Like father, like son”
This proverbial expression is used if the son is very much like his father. There’s an alternative version, which is ‘like mother, like daughter.” Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Youtube: Special promotion:

Long Vowel Sounds
At CanPacific, our instructors can help you improve your pronunciation and articulation. This blog entry is all about the long vowel sounds. In the table below, you’ll find the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) symbols of the long vowel sounds in the first column and the relevant word examples in the second one. Long Vowel Sounds […]