It is difficult to understate the importance and influence of William Shakespeare on the English language. His works are staged and quoted all around the world. Here are five quotes from some of his most famous and beloved plays: “All’s well that ends well” In other words, it doesn’t matter how problematic the situation was […]
Tongue Twisters
Tongue twisters are great for improving your pronunciation. They are combinations of words that are difficult to say because of alliteration or the recurrence of the same consonant sound or sounds in connected words. For example, the consonant [s], [z] and [ʃ] sounds are often repeated in the following tongue twister: “She sells seashells by […]
Tips for Effective Presentations
When delivering presentations in front of an audience, you should: Face the audience. You shouldn’t stand with your back to the audience. Speak up. You should speak loudly enough for the people in the back of the room. Use a good opener Make eye contact with members of the audience. Use bullet points or note-from […]
Tips for Better Telephone Conversations
Everybody makes some important phone calls at least occasionally. It might be to make a purchase, check the delivery date, or make an appointment. Below, you’ll find a list of useful tips for more effective communication over the phone for English language learners. Think about what you’re going to say before you make the call. […]
The Parts of Speech
Here’s a great jingle that will help you remember eight parts of speech and the function of each one: THE NINE PARTS OF SPEECH Every name is called a NOUN, As field and fountain, street and town; In place of noun the PRONOUN stands As he and she can clap their hands; The ADJECTIVE describes […]