Benefits of taking exam

Whoever hears the word of exam gets stress. No matter how old are you or what is your position. Although taking test is kind of stressful, it has lots of advantages as well. For instance, when you take a test, you have to review your lessons which help you to understand better. After taking the […]

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Learning English

English is an universal language, more than 50 counties, 375 million people around the world, speaking English. English has 26 letters and has 3 tense (present/past & future). The grammar rules are not so complicated, however, you need to practice a lot in order to use in an appropriate situations. In order to learn this […]

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Canadian Alcohol Beverages

Today we had a lesson about beer, the history and different type of beer. There was a question that is the beer an important part of your country’s culture? While I was thinking about the answer, I realized not only beer but also 12 other alcohol beverages are famous from Canada and they become a […]

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Traditional Canadian recipe

Eating is the most enjoyable things in the world. As I traveled to different countries I have tasted different food. I think every food has specific taste which is good to try no matter that is Indian, Japanese , Chinese , …….Canada has its own tradition food like other countries which I recommend everybody to […]

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